Our ability to machine to print is a cornerstone at L.L. Brown. Our replacement part business allows the customer to get parts without delay, keeping downtime to a minimum. Equipment repair and recondition presents multiple challenges due to the variety of skills required.
L.L. Brown incorporates the latest technology in all phases of production. Through the use of CAD/CAM and supporting verification programs, we can thoroughly test CNC programs prior to production. Our enhanced customer interfacing capability allows significant file transfer rates.
Thermoform Tooling
Continuous shape thermoforming presents many challenges, but our ability to produce the most intricate mold with incredible turnaround is our hallmark. Our master tooling allows faster mold setups, which maximizes machine run time and decreases project tooling costs.
Welcome to L.L. Brown, Inc.
I'm Brett Novosat, President of L.L. Brown, Inc. I just want to thank you for taking an interest in our company and all of the great products and services we have to offer. Since 1968 we’ve been fine tuning the technology of metal milling. Needless to say, we are skilled, experienced and prepared to handle all of your manufacturing needs.